Video Tour of Duskmere Industries BioMed Facility
Video opens with a large whit building with an elegant modern glass front. The Duskmere Industries Logo appears overhead.
Into the frame steps a tall elven man, blonde hair and shining green eyes, dressed in a sharp suite. “I’m Dr. Vincent Vorz, Director of Duskmere Industries Biological and Medical Research and Development Division. This Facility is home to the Children of Dusk Program, and there are many like it. This video is to give you a guided tour, as you are likely involved in the work related to this facility, a high level customer, or a member of the Duskmere Family.”
The camera moves to the interior which shows the front lobby, which is stark white and clean. Security Officers dressed in fully enclosed power armor standby. “The security at this facility is top level, only employees, exclusive customers, and Duskmere Family are allowed access. Your access is verified using biometrics and access cards as well as ID verification upon entry.”
The camera moves to the interior which shows the front lobby, which is stark white and clean. Security Officers dressed in fully enclosed power armor standby. “The security at this facility is top level, only employees, exclusive customers, and Duskmere Family are allowed access. Your access is verified using biometrics and access cards as well as ID verification upon entry.”

The camera moves into a large room full of monitors depicting graphics of human bodies with status levels monitoring heart rate, oxygen levels and various other sets of information. “This is the control room where we monitor production of all three Facilities contained within this one building. At DI Labs we produce various products for our customers.”
“First is our Humanoid Development Program nicknamed Children of Dusk, which is built to produce top of the line Soldiers, Workers and Breeders. The program involves the artificial creation of persons using existent DNA from various contributed sources. These were initially blended together using traditional breeding methods to create various offspring. These were further breeded together and eventually small changes were made to their DNA to enhance various properties. The outcome is a large stock of persons who exhibit strong traits needed for Military, Science, Breeding and Production Purposes.”
The video then shows a large cylinder full of fluid and attached box with screens and readouts. Whites and tubing feed into the cylinder and then connect to a small infant inside. Another shows a young child, then an adult. Meanwhile medical personnel tend to check systems.
“To accelerate the program a unique system was invented that allowed the rapid aging of infants created in the process within the matter of months rather than years. To account for this a sophisticated virtual reality program was produced which allowed persons in the program to receive not only an education but also experience life in an artificial environment which allowed them to explore their own personalities, emotions, relationships and the world at large. Near the conclusion of the aging process they were systematically educated as to the reality of the program, it’s purpose and given the choice to remain or explore the world in the real.”
Video shows each person in their Pod and then the camera swings into a virtual scene, in which the same person is living a normal life, the world around them filled with average life experiences, the good the bad and everything in between.
“To date only 1% of all persons created in the Children of Dusk Program elect to leave the program, though their autonomy is fully supported and reinforced throughout their career of work.”
Video then shows people being taken to the facility in VR, introduced to the system and then being placed into the Pod on the VR side only to be woken up on the real side. The video then cuts to people serving in the military division, medical, engineering, and in the breeding programs.
“The Children of Dusk (CDUSK) are kept in specialized Medical Pods which keep their bodies nutritioned, stimulated with electrical haptic feedback for muscle development and further VR experience to keep the mind engaged. The Pods, as they are referred to, are used for growing newborns, maintaining CDUSK personnel in transport, education and training, and production/breeding.”
“The second product is the Duskmere Special Reserve. Exclusive clients have emerged over the years that crave a certain sexual taste. Cum and Milk are produced by CDUSK persons in a facility called The Farm. There specialized pods are kept that allow for CDUSK persons to be milked of their product and pumped into storage units in the Reserve.”
The video then shows a vast facility of rows of Pods, hoses hooked to the exterior front of the glass, rising up to a large tangle of pipes that lead into large containers of Cum and Milk.
“The CDUSK persons maintained in the Farm are rotated through so as to not over stimulate them. However while in the program they are placed in Pods, entered into a sleep state where they are placed into VR. During that time their bodies recieve specialize nutrients, and hormone increases. This special formula produces large amounts of Cum and Milk which are then pumped out of them. As they reach peak production they are allowed to wean off of the supplements and then taken back out of the system. A process that can take about a week. “
The video then shows a close up of the Specialized Pod, the glass front containing a sealed rubber ring where a muscular man’s cock is fitted through, and a sleeve is fitted around the end of his cock leading to the hose. It appears to contract and milk him as cum is visibly traveling through the pipe. An attendant is seen undoing the sleeve on one, spilling cum onto the floor in large pools as the man's cock seems to just run like a faucet.
The video shows a female employee licking up the mess and smiling and winking at the camera. It then swings to the other end of the Farm and shows the females in similar tubes, their breasts protruding and being pumped, while some have a tube with an attachment pushed inside them clearly pumping them with cum.
“The Stock is carefully monitored and rotated by experienced personnel some of which are participants in the program. The product is then collected in large containers underground, transferred to specialized containers which use warming elements to keep the product at body temperature. The nutrients in the system also help to naturally preserve it for a fairly long shelf life. These are then shipped to customers across the stars.”
The video then shows the cum being moved into containers, and one with a tap is opened and another female worker pours a glass as a male worker opens the tap on a milk container, then clink glasses together and take a drink.
“This program of course is available to anyone with the right dollar amount. Should you have specific needs or tastes, the Final facility labeled The Nursery, is the place for you. Here those CDUSK persons are created and customized, special orders can be made for unique traits. If you are a member of the Duskmere Family then a unique secure sub facility in the Nursery provides individualized care, training, and options for Duskmere children and their mothers.”
“We hope this answered your questions about the Duskmere Industries Labs, and if you have more please feel free to contact a member of our staff”
The video returns to Vincent who winks and waves, as the logo appears on the screen and it fades to black with contact information.