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What is House Duskmere
The Ancient and Noble House of Duskmere has existed for over 7000 Years. Legend holds its origins were as a noble Elven house, forged in the great and ancient city of Orn. After several thousands of years they formed alliances with the human houses of Shemov (Part Demons) and Weynold (Humans), unifying them after the Great War 3,400 years ago. At that point House Duskmere became part of the Royal line of the Empire of Shar.
In time the royal line of Shemov, and Weynold would pass and only Duskmere would survive. Now mixed with Human, Demon, and Elf the generations of Duskmeres went on for over 500 years before they lost their grip on the empire.
High Lords still, they continued for hundreds of years before an ancestor of the family was attacked by a Kothyr (Vampire) due to their extraordinary bloodline the curse took them as Bashyr (Anti Vampire).
For hundreds of years after, the Duskmere family waged war against the forces of darkness, and upon the collapse of magic and the modernization of the world both factions went into hiding. The Duskmere family continued to build their fortunes till and work to root out the Kothyr that remained in the shadows.
In modern times, they have pioneered into the stars beyond their homeworld of Rossior. They have met various beings from other worlds and found fortune throughout. The Family are now primarily involved in business, with most of their money diversified between Technology, Arms and Munitions, Space Exploration, and Entertainment.
The family as a practice began interbreeding early in its history as Bashyr in order to keep the bloodline pure so as to battle the darkness and maintain their powers.

Bashyr and Kothyr
On the world of Rossior there exists a race of beings called the Kothyr and Bashyr. The Kothyr are products of Darkness infused into human flesh. Worshipers of the god Kotharyx who's purpose and goals are to spread chaos and darkness and steal all living creatures from his sister goddess to his own. They feed on living creatures to survive, and duplicate by means of passing on their curse to their victims. They are sunlight sensitive and can move through shadows and meld into them. They can only be killed by silver weapons and magic. This mirrors the legends of Vampires in other worlds, that are common to their mythos.
Bashyr are beings that overcame the Kothyr curse and are capable of being in the light and are actually immune to fire. The legends say that this is due to some human beings carrying a significant sliver of the elder races bloodline (Ex. Dragons and Elves). Races which were direct creations of the Goddess Bashreal, who created all life and maintains the cycle of reproduction of life throughout the known world. They also can only be killed by silver and magic. They can shape change into a natural creature of their choice, often an animal they are particularly fond of.
Kothyr cannot procreate, as they are truly undead. They can however propagate by passing the curse through a unique ritual, involving the killing of a being by draining their blood and then passing that blood filtered from their own veins into that of their victim.
Bashyr can reproduce as normal, however a Bashyr does not come into their own unless they partake in sexual acts upon maturity with one of their own. A ritual tied to their connection with the goddess of life and creation.
Unlike Kothyr who are truly undead, Bashyr are not but they are immortal. Since the only thing that separate them from Kothyr is their superior bloodline, if they attempt the same process as Kothyr they will only succeed in creating more of them. However, since they are truly living their eggs and semen are viable, and will not transfer the curse of the Kothyr. Though it will ultimately create an ordinary human, and nothing more.
For years there has been a war between them. The Bashyr since ancient times have attempted to rid the world of what they believe is a stain on humanity. Creating more Bashyr has thus been a priority though rare and difficult. As such the only guaranteed way to do so has been to breed within the existing bloodlines, which means that most are closely related. However having immortal and superior genetics it means that there are no defects in this process as is typical of humans.
Both races feed on the life force of living races. Sources include Blood, and often due to their strong sexual appetite, seminal and vaginal fluids as well as breast milk, however it's the intense emotion that the Bashyr feed on, the lust and desire. Kothyr have of course remained dependent on their blood feeding choosing to propagating the race while feeding at the same time.
Bashyr attempting to rid the world of Kothyr tend to look down upon any in their families who follows these practices. Instead they have focused on sexually feeding. For this reason many modern Bashyr have been bred for maximum yield. With the average Male producing 10 times the normal amount of seminal fluid (up to 2.5 Liters in a single orgasm) and the same for Females and their breast milk (up to 10 Liters per day), which tends to remain quite constant regardless of fertility.
In recent years both races have starting farming humans, though Kothyr have been taking unwilling slaves. Due to the practices used by Bashyr families more willing slaves have been prevalent and they have been bred also for maximum yield, even cloned and genetically enhanced.